PC Matic Antivirus review – pros and cons

PC Matic Antivirus review - pros and cons

PC Matic is a popular antivirus solution among users who search for convenient, all-in-one software. It delivers both antivirus protection and optimization features. Nonetheless, there are certain PC Matic pros and cons one should know as well. Let’s take a closer look at the most critical ones.

PC Matic general description

The antivirus supports all Windows versions, even the outdated ones. It also runs on Mac OS and Android. It might be a convenient solution for those who face difficulties finding the right solution for their old devices.

PC Matic runs on Windows, Mac OS, and Android. The Android version comes with a mobile optimization tool, too.

In addition to malware protection, the program delivers a set of optimization tools. They maintain better performance and fix minor glitches in other software. Besides, during scans, PC Matic offers tips on better performance, too.

While the developer has only email and ticket support, one might never need them at all. The program is straightforward and intuitive. However, the whitelisting technology could appear confusing at first. That’s because, unlike various similar antivirus solutions, this one has a list of trusted files and programs instead of threatening ones.

The advantages of the program

This antivirus secures several main benefits every user is sure to experience.

One of the main benefits of choosing PC Matic is its pricing policy. It’s an affordable solution because the developer offers a lifetime subscription. Consequently, users who bought it pay once and receive new updates as they appear.

Another benefit of the program is its optimization features. The system is dedicated to deliver the best performance. Profound scans look for performance issues, glitches, etc., fix them or offer useful tips on how to make things better.

Finally, this antivirus is secure. Due to the whitelisting technology, the device won’t catch any viruses, malware, spyware, etc. The software blocks all dangerous and unknown files to prevent any malware from infecting the PC.

Disadvantages of PC Matic

Unfortunately, PC Matic has some issues some users might not like. Let’s make a list of drawbacks you should consider before the purchase:

  1. The lack of a trial version is rather unusual. The program only offers premium subscription plans;
  2. According to the independent tests, PC Matic has a high level of false positives. It often blocks legit software and files;
  3. Scans take too much time, which could be frustrating, especially if a user is in a hurry.

Final thoughts

PC Matic has its pros and cons like any other antivirus. When making a choice, it’s essential to evaluate both benefits and drawbacks as well as one’s relation to them. Sometimes one user may treat a disadvantage as critical, while someone else doesn’t care about that at all. So, look through the pros and cons again to define if this software meets your need and expectations.


Author: Jason Freeman

Jason is a security expert and researcher. He currently works in a mobile device security and shares his expertise by writing reviews of cyber security products.